Floriamed’s mission is to improve healthcare now by using the advice of experts. Leading experts agree that our healthcare should be better. And sadly, they also agree that our healthcare harms patients. Meanwhile, headlines continue about America’s very real healthcare crisis. And we see little progress towards a solution.
On the bright side, scientists and healthcare providers have offered many ways to improve our healthcare. But unfortunately, these solutions have not come into wide use. And that’s why we created Floriamed. Our mission is to show how real world solutions from leading experts can improve healthcare now. And we hope that our actions will help others to join with us in improving America’s healthcare.
Mission Inspiration
Our plan to improve healthcare comes from the work of America’s leading experts in healthcare quality, the National Academy of Medicine (NAM). Our plan is simple. We comply with the NAM’s guidelines for improving the quality of America’s healthcare. We feel that using the NAM’s guidance offers substantial benefits to patients. In plain terms, the NAM says that to improve healthcare we need to:
- Make medicine safer and more effective by making sure it’s based on science.
- Make medicine fairer. So everyone gets the same care no matter who they are or how much money they have.
- Make medicine that does a better job respecting patients. And do more to put patients in charge of their own healthcare decisions.
- Make medicine that wastes less time, materials, equipment, ideas, energy, and money.
These guidelines are some 20 years old. And they are the foundation of an ongoing effort on the part of the NAM and America’s top healthcare experts to improve the quality of our care. But sadly, adoption of these guidelines has been less than adequate. And as a result, better quality healthcare is still a priority.
Floriamed’s Mission as Patient Advocate
Floriamed’s mission is to advocate for patients. And as a result, we comply with the NAM guidelines for improving healthcare. We feel that every aspect of these guidelines is simply another call to advocate more actively on behalf of patients. Or in other words, the NAM guidelines support our mission to advocate for patients.
As patient advocates, we must point out that Americans pay more for healthcare than in any other wealthy country. Yet we have the worst health. This shows that the profit needs of the medical system are clearly overdone. And there can be little doubt that this is harming patients.
The NAM recommendation is to provide equal quality care to all. But that cannot be done if high prices exclude some people from getting the highest quality care. As patient advocates, Floriamed’s mission is to provide the highest quality care to all without discrimination. And to accomplish this, we must provide healthcare that is affordable.
Affordable Healthcare That’s Better
Floriamed is a telehealth clinic where we do online care. Big business profits are not our motive. We formed from a collaboration between a scientist and a nurse practitioner to make a point about healthcare quality and proper care. Floriamed’s mission is to show what’s possible when healthcare quality comes before profits. In other words, what’s possible when advocating for patients comes first.
Affordable Healthcare
Floriamed cuts the waste from healthcare. As a result, our visit prices are at industry lows. We don’t waste time and effort on what’s not required for a proper telehealth visit. And quality comes first. So in accordance with the NAM quality guidelines, efficiency and cutting waste are top priorities. As a result, we make it simple to have a visit. The process is waste free and streamlined. And thus, it’s more affordable.
We reject such things as stock offerings, big budgets, golden parachutes and high paid employees. As a matter of fact, healthcare providers do most of the work at Floriamed. Basically, if it’s not about improving the quality of care, we don’t do it. And as a result, the difference between our visit price and a provider’s fee is at industry lows.
Nurses’ Care Is Quality Care
Floriamed providers are nurse practitioners (NPs) because nurse training creates the strongest patient advocates. We think that strong patient advocacy is the foundation of quality healthcare. And we feel that the NAM quality guidelines are supporting the importance of strong patient advocates in our healthcare.
NPs have special skills that add value to a healthcare visit. And these skills put NPs in a unique position to provide the highest quality telehealth and primary care available. And here are three reasons why:
- Nurses are trained to carefully follow instructions and be cooperative. So they follow medical protocols with precision. And these protocols, based on science, are what make medicine safe and effective.
- Nurses can afford to take more time with their patients. So they can learn more about their medical condition, their lives, their families, and their culture. As a result, nurses can find more options to improve care.
- Nurses teach their patients about their medical case and how medicine works. And they engage patients to be active in their own healthcare. The result is smarter patients, and thus, better medical outcomes.
These points only begin to explain the unique skills that are central to nursing. And it is these skills that position NPs to make important contributions to improving healthcare in America.
Floriamed’s Mission as Nurse Advocate
At Floriamed, we like to say that nurses care. We consider ourselves nurse advocates. And we feel that nursing skills and leadership should be used to the fullest extent in our healthcare. Better care is our goal.
So Floriamed seeks out NPs dedicated to the art and science of advocating for patients. Then we simply give these NPs what they need to do their best work. That is, we give them an easy and efficient way to have visits their patients can afford. And we make sure they are free to advocate for their patients as they see fit. As a result, Floriamed and its providers comprise a powerful collaboration that puts patients and healthcare quality first.
More Details On Improving Healthcare
- To learn more about Floriamed, contact us.
- Find out how Floriamed can benefit your organization.
- Learn more about the role of nursing in medicine.
- Learn more about how healthcare quality impacts us all.